Tag Archive for: Essential oils

Even­though 4th of July was yes­ter­day, fire­works were still going off all around us. 
My sis­ter Daisy was very scared and hid­ed under Mamas bed. Ranger said he pro­tect us and he barked and barked telling every­one to stop it… but the humans didn´t lis­ten to him.

And me, me was a lit­tle bit scared, too.

Mama start­ed the dif­fuser and put in 1 drop of each: Vetiv­er, Patchouli and Gera­ni­um1 (that´s Daisy´s favorite) — she said this will bal­ance all of us …
She got Daisy and we all sat on the Couch togeth­er watch­ing TV

Mama got a lit­tle “spritz” bot­tle where she delutet equal amounts of Laven­dar, Berg­amot and Ylang Ylang in Coconut Oil.
She put some on her hands and petet all of us. I always fall asleep when we´re on the couch with Mama — and she tells us how goooood we smell 🙂 

This is Mamas CALMING RECIPE that lit­tle bot­tle is always at her fin­ger­tips — when my sib­lings, and me pro­tect the house and bark too much — she pets us with that and sais we did a good job and now can rest! We good Fur-Babies!


1 Calm­ing Dif­fuser: There are many blends for the dif­fuser to calm your Fur-Babies: You can also try: Laven­dar, Frank­in­cense and Orange or just the Seren­i­ty Blend, one of my favorite Bed-Time oils

Mama take me to the doctor,

because I couldn´t walk on me left hind leg and I had some open wounds in my face.
So, after Break­fast Mama sprayed the car with Laven­dar Water (because it was my first car ride and she was­n’t sure how I like it) Then she showed me how to dri­ve.
I hang my head out of the win­dow and make sure I bark at every­thing that moves. When we get to the big Road, Mama clos­es the win­dow and I have to look over her shoul­der and growl when I see some­thing. So she knows. Me is a good dri­ver Mama said!

The doc­tor told Mama that my leg and ribs are bro­ken because some­one kicked me from the top.
I already knew that, but Mama didn´t and she cried — so I gave her kiss­es until she stopped. Me is a good boy!

Doc­tor said I need to stay off my leg as much as pos­si­ble at least 6 to 8 weeks. If the leg doesn´t heal by itself, we need surgery or it has to be ampu­tat­ed… what­ev­er that means — Mama didn´t tell me. 

Mama tried to keep me as calm as pos­si­ble, and car­ried me all over the place in her giant purse.

The wounds on my face were another story:

The doc­tor told Mama that they came from putting out burn­ing cig­a­rettes on my face. 
Mama got so angry and said when I´m a big boy we´ll find that …  Mama said I´m not allowed to say that word. But who­ev­er did this — she said I can eat him 🙂 
And I do what­ev­er mama sais: so watch out!

Mama mixed Frank­in­cense and Coconut Oil and put it on te wounds. Some­times Daisy or Ranger liked it off — then she did it again and again, some­times 5 times day …
After 3 or 4 days the wounds were healed pret­ty good. Mama said, me is such a pret­ty boy, we don´t want scars.
So she shared her “wrin­kle” oil with me. It´s called IMMORTELLE and it has a lot of good oils in it. Mama say it keeps away wrin­kles from her and scars from me.
She shared that for 2 or 3 days until it was all gone.